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Education made easy!

The information you need from a name you know and trust, Mutual of Omaha Mortgage.

Whether you are a senior home owner, home buyer or professional that serves having access to the facts about the FHA Home Equity Conversion Mortgage will allow you to make an informed decision.

HECM 101:

A comprehensive review of the modern Reverse Mortgage, from its humble beginnings to the Federal Mortgage program it is today. Learn what it was like, what happened and what it is like now.

HECM 102:

Ready to take your basic working understanding to the next level? Learn how to maximize income in retirement, portfolio preservation, mitigate sequence of returns risk, legacy expansion, long term care funding and more.

Lifestyle Home Loan:

Are your ready to move? This programs combines the top attribute of a cash purchase, no monthly mortgage payment, with the top attribute of a conventional mortgage, not having to sink all of your proceeds into an illiquid asset. Boomers and beyond now comprise the largest demographic of home buyers, there is no smarter way to purchase you next home.

Advisor Updates:

If you are a financial professional, attorney or senior care provider, having up to date information on recent changes to the modern revere mortgage is critical to your ability to provide the insight you need to direct your clients well being.

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The Voice of Reverse Mortgage

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C.E. Ted Butler NMLS #71436 is The Voice of Reverse Mortgage. He is an aging options trained provider who will share his knowledge with you. These seminars are designed to inform you on what a reverse mortgage is and how it may be the right option for you. Get the answers to all your questions and learn from one of the top FHA HECM experts on the West Coast.